Witch Answer Guy #11

12 Aug 2022

Where have all the witch hunters gone?

Long time passing

It’s been a while (#10) since we’ve been called on for witchy info and advice. But now…

A concerned former public servant who desires to remain anonymous wishes to know:

Q: I have a hypothetical question: Say the BIG government wanted to look at your PRIVATE stuff–stuff that is PERFECT and beautiful–and they had what they call a “search warrant” that they somehow scrounged up a “judge” into authorizing . . . wouldn’t this be properly called a “witch hunt”?

A: (Witch-Answer Guy): Were they hunting for witches, or are you asking if the people searching are witches?

Q: I invoke my Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination on this…

Q: . . . But moving on. Let’s say, hypothetically, that during this politically motivated witchy ransacking they found stuff in a person’s private safe?

A: Hmmm…Was the “safe stuff” part of the private home covered by the “search warrant”?

Q: Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that it isn’t a private home, per se…more like an exclusive, magnificently furnished beautiful club house, the most beautiful anywhere, where people can rent luxury apartments and come and go at will.

A: OK, so stipulated

Q: I take the 5th.

A: Wait, we didn’t ask another question. What are you taking the 5th on?

Q: Take the 5th.

A: But….

Q: 5th!

Witch-Answer Guy: Seems like this being August (almost general election-stealing time!), it would be great to get those witches out of the closet, or wherever they go. Alas, we thought the days of witch-hunting would hold off until 2024. But, frankly…and sadly…it’s baaaaack!

Previous Witch Answer Guy posts can be found at:
Open Season #9
Impeachment Hearings #8
Kid Pro Whoa #7
Witch Hunt v Snake Hunt #5
Coastal Elitist Witches (aka the Swamp) #4
Pardon Power #3
Avoiding the ‘Perjury Trap’ #2
How Can I Avoid a Witch Hunt? #1

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