Vigil Aunties: VII – “The Minutes”

3 June 2024
Note: this is a work in progress. Any film or theater moguls who wish to stage this are welcome to contact me.
In case you just tuned in, the “Vigil Aunties” are a self-described group of, let’s just say, gran’motherly types, who are fed up with right wing anonymous harassment and terrorism of elected officials, election and courtroom workers and whistleblowers–and have banded together to combat these nefarious people. When not playing mahjong and gardening they go undercover like the Navy Seals of the senior citizen world to right wrongs. After all, they tell themselves, who’s gonna come after a kindly looking spinster type? Self-trained in firearms and flyswatter technology, they have enlisted their high-tech teen nephews and nieces who call themselves The Nerd Corps to uncover and deal with stuff that it’s probably better you don’t  know about.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI


Minutes from a meeting of the Vigil Aunties

“Call to order. First off, let me remind everyone that no names will be used in this document for the protection of all involved. This is simply a summary of what we discussed.”

Person 1 said, “I’m worried about the jurors in that gosh darn Trump hush money trial.”

Person 2, “Watch your language, sister!”

Person 1, “OK that dang trial.”

Person 2, “Better. But ‘splain yourself please.”

Person 3, “Bless her heart, I think she’s referring to the safety of the jurors who listened to evidence and voted with their consciences.”

Person 4, “And…?”

Person 1, “Even if they’re anonymous now, once their names, addresses and cake recipes get out, the right wing loonies are gonna be on them like flies at a BBQ…

Person 2, (interrupting), “like burnt okra stuck to the pan.”

Person 1, (continuing), “They’re gonna be getting nasty notes, stalkings (and I don’t mean the kind you wear on your legs!), maybe even death threats”

Person 4, “Zactly, they’ll be doxed like crazy.”

Person 2, “Please, #4, speak English. What do our beloved doxxies have to do with this.”

Person 4, “Sorry, not dachsunds, I meant what my 13-year-old Grand Nerd calls ‘dropping docs’ — a very malicious act where you, as he says, ‘reveal personal info about someone without their permission for purposes of harassment.’ Anyhoo, that’s what he calls it.

Person 1, “Okay…so what can we do about it?”

Person 4, “I’ll call out our Grand Nerds to see if they can  decipher who the jurors are, but all on the QT, yanno. And then we’ll dox the doxers!

Everyone chanting in unison as though at a church praise gathering:

Dox the doxers! Dox the doxers! Dox the….

What is doxing? Doxing (sometimes written as doxxing) is the act of revealing identifying information about someone online, such as their real name, home address, workplace, phone, financial, and other personal information. That information is then circulated to the public — without the victim’s permission.

One comment on “Vigil Aunties: VII – “The Minutes”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Test comment

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